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    Thank you very much for choosing to join One World Dojo. We’d like to get to know you. Please tell us about yourself: age, gender, Martial Arts experience, how long have you studied, physical restrictions, personal goals, or anything else you’d like us to know.
  • The Platinum Membership entitles you to access all of our site’s content, the Free Taiso Daruma Class, Marina’s Guided Audio Meditations, the Taiso Daruma Zoom Class Link, Marina’s Musical High-nrg Fitness Zoom Link, Instructional Videos covering Taiso Daruma, advanced Goju Ryu concepts and techniques, Special Events Zoom Link, and the Kata Class Zoom Link. This is a monthly fee. You can choose to have this as an automatic recurring fee.
    The Gold Membership entitles you to access all of our site’s content, the Free Taiso Daruma Class, Marina’s Guided Audio Meditations, the Taiso Daruma Zoom Class Link, Marina’s Musical High-nrg Fitness Zoom Link, and Instructional Videos covering Taiso Daruma, and advanced Goju Ryu concepts and techniques. This is a monthly fee. You can choose to have this as an automatic recurring fee.
    The Silver Membership opens the One World Dojo website’s information about more advanced Fukyu (training) Katas, all the Koryu (classic) Katas, and Marina’s Audio Guided Meditations. This is a one-time fee.

    You will be able to complete the payment after you have confirmed your e-mail address.

    Thank you
    very much!


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