Fukyu Training Kata

Miyagi Border

Grand Master Chojun Miyagi

Toguchi Border

Master Seikichi Toguchi

Grand Master and founder of GoJu-Ryu Karate, Chojun Miyagi, along with the Shuri-Te Master Shoshin Nagamine of Okinawa designed Gekisai Kata One to become a universally practiced Kata by all Okinawan Karate systems. After Miyagi’s death in 1953, Master Seikichi Toguchi continued the development of this form to create a complete Kata system that teaches basic and advanced techniques of GoJu-Ryu, the Fukyu Training Kata.

These Fukyu Training Kata give the student a well-rounded education in Karate techniques and Kata performance. Each Kata builds upon the previous Kata’s techniques and prepares the student for the more complicated Koryu Classic Kata.

Basic Form One

Basic Form One follows a simple N-E-S-W pattern containing head blocks, chest blocks, down blocks, punches, a back fist, a sweep chop, a double hand block and double hand punch. Sanchin stance, Long stance and Horse stance are the halmark of this kata.

This is a simple kata to learn and is the basis for all following Fukyu Training Katas.

Basic Form Two

Basic Form Two Is identical to Basic Form One however there are additional punches and blocks at the beginning of the kata, and a double sweep chop covering both sides of the body. In addition, the double block and punch at the end is repeated on both sides of the body. The finishing techniques are done on the diaganol adding two additional cardinal points NE-NW to this Kata’s pattern.

Gekisai One

Gekisai Kata One is the original Kata that Master Miyagi and Master Shoshin Nagamine created to unify the Naha-te and Shuri-te schools on Okinawa in the 1930’s.

This Kata adds a front kick and elbow strike to Basic Kata One. Gekisai Kata One is practiced in Dojos all over the world and is considered a classic Okinawan beginners Kata.

Gekisai Two

In Gekisai Kata Two, Master Miyagi introduced several pure GoJu-Ryu techniques. Closed hand blocks change to open hands including simple non-turning open hand chest blocks. The ending of the kata was also changed to pure GoJu-Ryu incorporating cat stance and double hand circular blocks done in a simple three step pattern to ease the student into the technique used in the next Kata.

Whereas Gekisai Kata One contained both Naha-te and Shuri-te techniques, Gekisai Kata Two is the gateway to the core of pure GoJu-Ryu Karate.

Gekisai Three

Prior to Master Miyagi’s death, Master Toguchi learned his teaching concepts for expanding the Gekisai Katas and GoJu-Ryu Karate. Master Toguchi created Gekisai Kata Three following these guidlines.

In Gekisai Kata Three Toguchi added back in the three chest punches and down blocks from Basic Form Two, however, he opened the hands on the blocks. He also added in an open hand wrist head block in horse stance. He smoothed out the ending circular blocks into the Kata ending we see in most GoJu-Ryu Kata.

Gekiha One

Toguchi created Gekiha Kata One to include more advanced GoJu-Ryu techniques and concepts. He changed the non-turning open hand chest blocks to turning open hand blocks. Twisting blocks are incorporated to teach body shifting and voiding.

In Gekiha Kata One undercuts are introduced. The smooth circular blocks at the end of Gekisai Kata Three evolve into fierce powerful open back hand blocks springing out of cat stance into devastating double hand punches.

Gekiha Two

As this series of Kata progresses, elements of the Koryu Classic Kata are introduced.

Gekiha Kata Two adds a few sequences from Seisan Kata. Down side kicks and hammer hand strikes are added. Gekiha Kata Two is a fast and powerful Kata. By this time in a student’s studies basic stances, blocks, punches, kicks and body shifting shoud be well developed. The student is prepared to study advanced techniques and concepts of GoJu-Ryu.

Kakuha One

Kakuha Kata One is a curious Kata. Master Toguchi, with the help of Kin Gai Ryu, GoJu-Ryu and Kobudo Master Shinpo Matayoshi developed this Kata adding White Crane techniques. This is a demanding Kata using finger strikes to the eyes, slashing and ripping of body parts. The feeling in the Kata are those of taking flight and landing, deflecting with outstretched wings and striking with finger wing tips.

In keeping with the concepts of adding sections of the Koryu Classic Kata, Kakuha Kata One ends with the finishing techniques of Seiyunchin Kata, introducing spiritual meanings to those so inclined to study this area of the art.

Kakuha Two

Kakuha Kata Two introduces sequences from the Koryu Katas Seisan, Seiyunchin and Seipai. This is a comparably long and demanding Kata with a 270 degree turn. Kakuha Kata Two is the final Kata leading up to Master Toguchi’s flagship Kata creation “Hakutsuru No Mai”, The Dance of the White Crane.

Hakutsuru No Mai

Dance of the White Crane •

In terns of Traditional Okinawan GoJu-Ryu Kata, Hakutsturu No Mai is a very long and detailed Kata.

Master Toguchi created Hakutsuru No Mai based on a conversation he had with Chojun Miyagi about a dream Miyagi had of a white crane. After Master Miyagi passed away, Master Toguchi remembered this conversation because GoJu-Ryu was developed from Naha-te which originated from Fujian White Crane Boxing in China.

Master Toguchi found deep meaning in the dream and decided to honour his teacher by developing Hakutsuru No Mai. The Kata, typical of Master Toguchi’s method of combining specific elements of various Koryu Classic Kata, introduced a unique form that is graceful, powerful and swift recreating a battle between the white crane and a snake.

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very much!


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