Marina's High-nrg Fitness

Musical Workout

Marina Kamen World
Marina Kamen - OWD Artistic Creative Director

Get ready for a fitness experience only Marina can bring.

As a pioneer of the Fitness Industry, Grammy nominated Marina Kamen brings her High-nrg brand of Musical Fitness to One World Dojo.

With original songs and dynamite covers, all recorded by Marina herself, you’ll be transported to fitness heaven. Marina will guide you through aerobics, body sculpting and relaxation, while she moves, sings, plays piano and violin guiding you through a fun filled workout guaranteed to leave you sweating and smiling.

Experience “The Marina Effect” with Marina’s High-nrg Fitness Musical Workouts.

Friday’s @ 12 PM Eastern NYC Time.

Gold and Platinum OWD Members Only.

Marina Ayakanishi violin cut

Thank you
very much!


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